mba case study answewrs

Friday, 7 February 2014

IIBM Sales and Distribution Management & Management of a Sales Force CASE STUDY ANSWERS FROM



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Examination Paper of Sales Management

        IIBM Institute of Business Management

                                                      Examination Paper                                            MM.100

          Sales and Distribution Management

           Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & short note questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. Out of the following which gap arise when the sales force does not have the required
knowledge, skills or capabilities to become successful on the Job.
a. Knowledge gap
b. Capability gap
c. Methods gap
d. Training gap

2. This method is used by the trainers to present more information in a short time to a large
number of participants
a. Lecture
b. Demonstration
c. Group discussion
d. None

3. It improves on traditional computer based training by making the information available to
the salesperson immediately and in a personalized manner.
a. Distance Learning
b. Interactive Multimedia Training
c. Mentoring
d. Electronic Performance Support System

4. These are preprogrammed computer packages, and are based on reality
a. Role Playing
b. Case Studies
c. Simulation Games
d. Job Rotation

5. The responsibility which include dealing with stakeholders with fairness impartiality and
equality is known as
a. Ethical Responsibilities
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Examination Paper of Sales Management

Part Two

b. Legal Responsibilities
c. Economic Responsibilities
d. Voluntary Responsibilities

6. They are the shopkeepers who set up shops in the market place to cater to the needs of
hundreds of consumers
a. Distributors
b. Wholesalers
c. Agents
d. Retailers

7. This strategy is to make sure that the product is made available in as many outlets as
possible so that anywhere the consumer go, he or she should be able to get the product of
his choice.
a. Exclusive Distribution
b. Selective Distribution
c. Intensive Distribution
d. Distribution Channel

8. This is the stage of the birth of multiple retail formats to please the customer.
a. Stage of Infancy (Child hood)
b. Meeting Customer Expectations (Youth)
c. Shift in the power equation (Adulthood)
d. Consolidation (Maturity)

9. It is the identity that the store develops for itself in terms of what it has to offer the
a. Positioning Strategy
b. Product Differentiation Strategy
c. Operational Strategy
d. Targeting

10. It is the most convenient size of the product that the customer can buy at a time.
a. Lot Size
b. Waiting Time
c. Choice to the consumer
d. Place Utility
1. What is Channel Conflict?

2. What is an Information System? What is the purpose of Information Systems?

3. State the different categories of Inventory.

4. What is Electronic Data Interchange?
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Examination Paper of Sales Management

Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)

 This section consists of Caselets.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each Caselet carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

                                                                                       Caselet 1
Swish flow Ltd. - Hiring Salespeople
“Why two out of five salesperson have resigned within six months of joining the company/” asked
marketing director to the sales manager, Sunil Kumar of Swish flow Ltd. “I think, there is                
something wrong with our staffing process, “responded Sunil Kumar, without knowing the real reasons
for the turnover of salespeople.
Swish flow Ltd started manufacturing and marketing consumer durables like fans and water purifiers for
household consumer’s commercial firms in 1993. The sales and marketing office was located in Mumbai,
the commercial capital of India. Swish flow was a newly established company and for its first year of
operations, the company decided to recruit five salesperson to cover major metros and cities of
Maharashtra. The staffing process included the sales manager deciding the job qualifications
salespersons based on what he learnt in the MBA programme. The administration manger was asked to
place the advertisement in the local newspapers. The resumes of applicants were forwarded to Sunil
Kumar, who screened the same and sent interview calls to about ten applicants. The interviews were
conducted by Sunil Kumar and the marketing director and the selected candidates were given the
appointment letters. Some of the candidates had a problem of finding suitable residence, but the
company policy did not provide any consideration for he3 same. Sunil Kumar conducted one-week
training programme and generally guided the new salesperson, who reported to him directly. There was
a delay in the receipt of the fans from the factory, located at Baroda in Gujarat. During this period of
three months, Sunil Kumar was asked to conduct market surveys and look after advertising function of
the entire group. He asked the salespersons to collect market information on various other products like
water purifiers, power tillers, and so on in which the group was interested to diversify. During this
period, two salespersons suddenly stopped coming to work, after collecting their salaries of the previous
working month.


1. What improvements do you suggest in the staffing process followed by the company?

2. Was Sunil Kumar right in getting market surveys done by the new salesperson?

Caselet 2
Snow White Paper Company is located in an agricultural belt about 300 kilometers from a metro
city. The company is into writing and printing papers. Its primary raw material is wheat straw. Last
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Examination Paper of Sales Management
year, the company had a turnover of Rs. 134 crore on a volume of 45,000 tons of paper. While
preparing the business plan for the current year, the top management was concerned with the
following distribution issue that they want you to help resolve:


The paper industry is dominated by selling agents who bring the manufacturer like Snow White and
the buyer like printing/publishing companies, and note book makers, together. They make a
commission of about 2 percent on all transactions. Some other points:

 Snow White depends on about 110 agents to canvass business for it from the users.
 The Company sells about 23 percent of its paper directly to some government organizations.
 The agent arranges for the buyer to pay the company for its produce by a advance demand
draft. It is expected that the agent provides the credit support to the buyer.
 Agents are not exclusive for Snow White and work for other paper mills also and normally
play the mills against each other. They have a grip on the business and are reluctant to put
the mill directly in touch with the buyers.
 There is always an uncertainty on the orders and the price, which would be obtained on the
orders- the company cannot plan its profits properly nor offer the best service to end users
so that they always ask for Snow white.


1. How can you help Snow White become less dependent on the selling agents and plan its sales
and profitability better? How can they plan their customer service efforts?

            Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)

 This section consists of Long Questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each question carries 10 marks.
 Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 150 words).

1. Explain in detail the Role of Retailers.

2. How does the availability of the Internet impact International sales?

3. What are the basic concepts of Sales Organization? Explain any one of those concepts.

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Examination Paper of Sales Management
                                                           IIBM Institute of Business Management

                                                      Examination Paper                                            MM.100

Management of a Sales Force

Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)
 This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & short note questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. ____________ is the stage in which the salesperson must discover, clarify and understand the
buyer’s needs.
a. Customer Research
b. Approach
c. Need Assessment
d. Planning

2. This outcome equates to how much information was absorbed and usually involves in giving the
trainee some type of test.
a. Reactions
b. Leaving
c. Behavior
d. Results

3. A salesperson’s ______________ is calculated by dividing the number of orders received by the
number of calls made (O/C).
a. Batting Average
b. Call Rate
c. Size of Orders
d. Direct Selling Expense

4. Such costs are incurred in connection with a single unit of sales operations.
a. Direct Costs
b. Indirect Costs
c. Overhead Costs
d. Fixed Costs

5. These are the activities that people must perform in orders to carry out the strategy.
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Examination Paper of Sales Management
a. Objectives
b. Strategies
c. Tactics
d. Goals

6. The highest executives in sales management is most often called
a. Vice President of Sales
b. Branch Manager
c. Team Leader
d. District Sales Manager

7. A ____________ is someone with knowledge, experience, rank, or power who provides personal
counseling & carrer guidance for younger employees.
a. Mentor
b. Leader
c. Supervisor
d. Peer

8. The most widely used method of expense control in which the company reimburses sales
representatives for all legitimate business & travel costs they incur while on company business is
known as
a. Clarity
b. Payment Plans
c. Limited Payment Plans
d. Unlimited Payment Plans

9. It is a direct monetary reward paid for performing certain duties over a period of time.
a. Salary
b. Incentives
c. Bonus
d. Pension

10. This is a performance goal assigned to a marketing unit for a specific period of time.
a. Salary Plus Bonus
b. Salary plus Commission
c. Salary Plus Commission & Bonus
d. Sales Quota
Part Two:
1. Write a short note on ‘Strategic Account Management’.
2. Why there is a need of a detailed data in sales.

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Examination Paper of Sales Management
3. Briefly explain the nature & benefits of Territories.

4. What is Market Specialization?

Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)
 This section consists of Caselets.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each Caselet carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Reps Selling Too Many Low-Profit Products
Caselet 1
Over the past several days the top executives in the Majestic Plastic Company had been conducting their
annual performance review of the company’s operations. The company president, Boyd Russell, sat in
on most of these sessions and periodically became quite involved in some of the departmental reviews.
The sales department was the one currently under discussion, and Clyde Brion, the general sales
manager, was the focus of attention. Overall, the sales and profit results were satisfactory, but the
executives noted what they thought was a problem in two Louise Shannon was the rep, and the other
was in Chicago, which was Henry Sadowski’s territory.
In each of these territories, the sales reps total sales volume was satisfactory. The problem was that the
bulk of their sales volume was in low profit products- that is, products whose gross margin was well
below the company’s desired average. Then the chief financial officer, Oliver Twombly, recalled that this
same situation had been brought up at last year’s performance review. Clyde Brion realized he was on
the spot with his fellow executives, including the president.
Top management really did not want to change the basic compensation plan because, oer the company
as a whole, it apparently had been working okay. And Brion concurred in this decision. He pointed out
that Shannon ad Sadowski consistently met their total sales quotas and that each had won a sales
contest designed to stimulate total sales. But their performance was not balanced. They went way over
quota on low-margin goods. They were not selling a desirable mix of products, nor were they generating
their share of new accounts. Basically they were getting large repeat orders from a few established
accounts. And Shannon and Sadowski generally were neglecting the newer products that were the
foundation of the company’s future growth.
Brion had been aware of this situation for some time, but he had never given it the attention it
deserved, partly because the two reps total sales volume was satisfactory and partly because he had
other brushfires to put out. Now he was convinced that he had better do something-and do it quickly.

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Examination Paper of Sales Management
1. What should Clyde Brion do to remedy the imbalanced sales performance of Louise Shannon
and Henry Sadowski?

To Train or Not to Train
Caselet 2
Sunrise Cleaner Company’s sales have been expanding rapidly in the past several years and are expected
to continue increasing throughout the next decade. In order to meet this demand, Mickie Parsons,
Sunrise’s sales manager, has hired a number of sales representatives and expects to hire 6 to 10
salespeople in the coming year and more the following year. In the past, Sunrise hired only experienced
reps, but lately the company has been hiring recent marketing graduates. While the new grades don’t
have experience, they often are a high level of motivation and a good understanding of overall
marketing planning. However, the less experience reps need more training-both on company policies
and sales procedures-before they are effective in making sales calls. Parson is trying to design a training
program that will provide the necessary training at the lowest possible cost.
Currently, Sunrise does not have a training program. Te new hires just spend a week in a territory with
an experienced rep, and ten they are given their own territory. While tis system was satisfactory with
experienced people, it is not adequate for the inexperienced people the company is now hiring.
Mickie Parsons has suggested the president of Sunrise, Keat Markley, that the company institute a oneor

two-week training program at company headquarters. Parsons has suggested two options. The first
option is to hire a staff recruiter/ trainer who would spend half of his or her time on recruiting and the
other half on training. The new staff specialist would be paid a salary of about $60,000 a year- so the
added cost with respect to the training responsibilities would be $30,000 a year. The second option is to
contract with an outside company that specializes les force training. That company would provide a
specialist to set up and conduct a training program at a cost of approximately $20, 0000 per week.
Parsons was just concluding her presentation to Keat Markley. “I feel that a training program would
increase the average annual sales per rep a minimum of 5 percent- to $1,050, 000 per rep.”
Markley replied, “I am not convinced that the training would improve performance enough to justify the
costs. You know it isn’t just the cost of the trainer.  We would also have to bring these reps into
headquarters and pay their expenses while they are here. There would be some equipment and
materials involved…. All for a 5 percent increase in sales! I want to be sure that the 5 percent would
more than cover these costs. What about using computer training software to train the new reps? Eng I
read says that all of the top companies are using online programs to do a lot of their training and that
they are saving bundles in the process.”
“I’ve have checked into that option,” Parsons said, “but I don’t think that a basic off-the –shelf program
would be very effective for training inexperienced graduates and the initial cost of developing a
customized program would be excessive- a minimum of $3,00,000 with each additional week module
costing $50,000. Besides, I think an online program works best for refresher training or for introducing
new product information, not for teaching basic selling skills- that should be face-to-face training.” “OK,”
said Markley, “you put together an analysis that considers all the costs of these training options, and ten
make a recommendation to me. Be sure that you look at the increase in sales that will be necessary to
cover these additional costs.”
Parsons left the meeting already calculating the costs in her head. She knew that bringing a rep into
headquarters would cost $250 per rep for travel and $750 per rep per week for lodging and meals.
Materials for any of the programs would likely add an extra $100 per rep and the audiovisual equipment
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Examination Paper of Sales Management
for the face-to-face training would be headed for her office, where she could put all of these costs
together in order to make a reasoned recommendation to Markley as soon as possible.


What type of training program should Mickie Parsons recommend to Keat Markley? What’s your
reasoning for your recommendation?


   Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)
 This section consists of Long Questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each question carries 10 marks.
 Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 150 words).
1. ‘Sales Forecasting is a very difficult task’ Comment on the statement and also suggest some
guidelines for the manager that can enhance the accuracy of the states forecast.

2. Certain Leadership & Supervisory problems are commonly encountered when managing sales
people. State those problems which are encountered in leadership.

3. What is Training Assessment? What are the Training Program objectives?



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