mba case study answewrs

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Examination Paper of Marketing Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
                                                                         Examination Paper                                         MM.100
                                                      International Marketing Management
                                                     Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

        Part One:
        Multiple choices:

1.  International marketing includes activities that direct the flow of goods from
a. One country to one country
b. One country to another country
c. One country to multiple country
d. All of the above

2. ETC stands for
a. Expert trading companies
b. Essential trading companies
c. Export trading companies
d. None of the above

3. Till 1950-56 there was no clear exim policy and no _________ restrictions of any kind
a. Import
b. Export
c. Both a) & b)
d. None of the above

4. Tariffs have been one of the classical methods of regulating ________ trade
a. International
b. National
c. Domestic
d. None of the above

5. The world trade organization (WTO) was established on 1
a. 1996
b. 1995
c. 1997
d. None of the above

 This section consists of Multiple choice questions & Short Answer type questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.
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Examination Paper of Marketing Management
6. Export documentation is a very important area in _______ management
a. International
b. Import
c. Export
d. None of the above

7. Methods of export pricing are
a. Cost plus pricing
b. Competitive pricing
c. Marginal pricing
d. All of the above

8. OCED has been a destination of a major portion of _______ exports
a. Japan
b. USA
c. India
d. UK

9. Psychographic segmentation involves grouping people in terms of
a. Attitudes
b. Life styles
c. Values
d. All of the above

10. Foreign direct investment would be permitted up to ________ in the development of the
a. 100%
b. 90%
c. 38%
d. 48%

Part Two:

1. Differentiate between domestic & international marketing.

2. Write a short note on World trade organization (WTO).
3. Briefly describe the exim policy of India (one part of India‟s export import policy).

4. Write a short note on tariff and non tariff barriers of international trade.          


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Examination Paper of Marketing Management
Section B: Case lets (40 marks)

 This section consists of Case lets.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each case let carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150to 200).
        Export Marketing:
Case let 1
The trade in black pepper is unhappy that exports may not show a sign of revival in prices in the
immediate future. World prices have been showing a downward trend for eighteen months and this
has resulted in much lower earnings for exporters. The UK, West Germany and the Netherlands have
cut their import requirement though the American demand has shown some growth. Brazil has been
resorting to aggressive selling at lower prices and the expectations are that its exports will reach an
all-time peak of 32,000 tones in the 1981-82 season. The 1981-82 Indian season is only about six
weeks away. The Brazilian offensive has forced India to withdraw so to any from the US and West
European markets and increase its reliance on communist buyers. As many as 1980-81.the Soviet
Union alone accounting for 12,647 tones. But exporters are concerned at the diversion on such a scale
of this trade.
1. Had you been the pepper exporter, what would be your short term and medium-term export
marketing strategy in the above environment?

2. Could you examine the weak points in this case study?

Case let 2
Smart Kids Ltd. An Auckland company that makes educational games and resources to read and
understand math‟s has won a Trade New Zealand Export Award for its success in international
markets in 2003.Established eight years ago in the family home basement, Smart Kids is led by
husband and wife team, joint chief executives David and Sun Milne and their sons Duncan and Frase.
She Milne, an ex-teacher, says from just 30 products when it started, the company produces more
than 200 produces catering for student‟s activities, grammar concepts and numeracy. She says the
international appeal of Smart Kids products was highlighted recently, when company‟s SMART
PHONICS was listed amongst the top five products out of almost 100 in the education trade show in
the United Kingdom. The key requirement for every new Smart Kids products is that it stimulates
student‟s minds in the classroom, teaches them a specific concept easily, enjoyably and permanently
and enables problem solving. David Milne says Smart Kids started selling its educational games and
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Examination Paper of Marketing Management

resources to New Zealand schools in 1995, drawings an immediate and strong response. It quickly
became apartment that the New Zealand market was not large enough to sustain considerable
investment in product development, and secondly, that their products have done so well that they
deserved wider exposure.”Our export research came down to two options. Find educational
distributors in other countries or set-up our own operations. The first option was less risky and easy to
manage but it meant that Smart Kids products were lost in a wide range of materials. So we went for
the second option and over the next few years established offices in Australia, in UK and Canada”.
This has successfully branded Smart Kids as a leading supplier of educational resources in these
countries. Mr. Milne says the Smart Kids product catalogue is now sent regularly to teachers in more
than 50,000 schools across the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia. “We also sell to schools in the US.
In that market we elected to work through a distributor, we didn‟t have the financial resources to setup

an operation that could cover almost 70,000 schools and compete with every established
educational publisher”. He says annual exports now exceed $2.2 million and account for more than
90% of turnover. In order to grow the business, surplus profits are reinvested back into product
development, infrastructure – the company recently moved its Auckland operation into new 20,000
square feet premises in Ellerslie. Mr. Milne says the Smart Kids brand is now well established
internationally with the company enjoying many competitive advantages, including its New Zealand
origin. New Zealand education is highly regarded overseas and we find that international teachers to
get hold of educational products made in this country.
1. What are the major considerations for a firm in order to while deciding its markets entry

2. To what extent direct control and ownership are critical for Smart kids export distribution


Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists of Applied theory.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each question carries 15 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

1. What do mean by International marketing? Discuss the scope of International marketing.

2. Describe the export documentation framework in India in detail.

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Examination Paper of Marketing Management
                                               IIBM Institute of Business Management

                                                   Examination Paper                                          MM.100

                                                                Research Methodology
    Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple choice questions & Short Answer type questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Part One questions carry 1 marks each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.
     Part One:
      Multiple Choices:
1. Research is an art of _________ investigation
a. Technological
b. Scientific
c. Political
d. None of the above

2. Exploratory research is flexible and very ________ research
a. Variable
b. Visuals
c. Versatile
d. None of the above

3. Frame error, chance error and response error are collectively called
a. Total error
b. Non sampling error
c. Sampling error
d. Universal error

4. Hypothesis testing is sometimes called _________ analysis
a. Exploratory data
b. Confirmatory data
c. Experimental data
d. Both a) & b)

5. Execution of the project is a very important step in the ________ process
a. Questions
b. Identification
c. Research
d. None of the above

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Examination Paper of Marketing Management
6. Thurstone scale is also known as _________ scale
a. Equal appearing interval
b. Equal alternatives interval
c. Equal alternatives item
d. None of the above

7. A ratio in which the units of numerator & denominator are not the same is termed as a
a. Class
b. Rate
c. Data
d. None of the above

8. ANOVA stands for
a. Analysis of automobiles
b. Analysis of variable
c. Analysis of variance
d. None of the above

9. One tailed & two tailed test are the part of _________ test
a. Null
b. Hypothesis
c. Alternative
d. None of the above

10. Chi – square is an important ______ test
a. Parametric
b. Probability
c. Non – parametric
d. None the above
 Part Two:

1. What is „Sequential sampling‟?

2. Write a short note on „nominal scale‟.

3. Write a note on „Z – Test‟. (One of the parametric test for hypothesis).

4. What are the cautions to be taken on χ
 (chi square) test?


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Examination Paper of Marketing Management

Section B: Case lets (40 marks)

 This section consists of Case lets.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each case let carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Case let 1

Swastika Computer System was established in 1981 at Delhi to provide computer training. In 1980s
computer education was relatively new in India. Personal computers 286 existed and MS DOS was
the operating system. Languages like Basic, Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN were used in programming.
Swastika Computer Systems was established with their support departments namely computer
assembly, faculty training and computer servicing department. In the first financial year, it recorded a
turnover of Rs 11.5 lakhs. Within a few years of its existence, Swastik Computer System opened its
branches in eight major cities of India and had a gross annual turnover of Rs 86 lakhs. The
organization was highly centralized. The head office at Delhi handled all accounts, recruitment, and
placement of students and servicing of computers. The Bhopal branch of Swastik Computer Systems
was set up in May 1987. The branch was headed by a dynamic branch manager Hemant Gupta. He
was a BSc in computers and had previously worked in the data processing department of a
manufacturing concern. To establish the Bhopal branch, Hemant Gupta realized the need for making
Swastik Computer Systems, Bhopal known to the younger generation. With this in mind he
introduced some innovative promotional schemes like offering scholarships to students doing well in
the intelligence tests administered by the branch, giving personal computers to students to deposit
term fees at their convenience. Hemant Gupta also ensured that teaching standards were high and
computers at the branch were well maintained, so a student once enrolled felt that he had made the
right decision by joining Swastik Computer Systems. He also made himself available from 8.00 am to
7.00 p.m at the branch. Students were free to go to him with their problems, which he took pains to
solve. Soon Swastik Computer Systems was one of the leading computer training centres in Bhopal.
As the Bhopal branch prospered, the head office at Delhi started taking an active interest in the
running of this branch. The Regional Manager who visited Bhopal once a month started making
frequent visits. During one of his visits, his attention was drawn to rumors that branch funds were
being misappropriated. When the Regional Manager informed the Delhi office about the rumor, a
team was sent to the Bhopal Branch to look into the matter. On investigation, the term was convinced
that the rumors had some truth in them. It was found that a larger number of students attended the
classes than were enrolled. It was felt that this fraud was not possible without the consent of Hemant
Gupta, and without any further inquiry a decision was taken to remove him forthwith. Amit Verma
who was a senior faculty at Swastik Computer Systems, Delhi was asked to take over the Bhopal
branch as Manager. He was an MCA and had been associated with the organization since its
inception. Amit Verma‟s appointment at Bhopal was welcomed at the Bhopal branch by both, staff
and faculty as he had the reputation of being an easy going person. After he joined the Bhopal, it was
observed that Amit Verma, although academically sound, was not an effective administrator. His
approach towards staff and faculty was lenient. He was not particular about punctuality and was not
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available during office hours. This had an adverse effect on faculty in general and classes in
particular. Not only did classes suffer but even administrative work was affected. Monthly reports to
the head office were not sent on time, as a result requisitions for computer servicing, reading material
and funds were unduly delayed. Due to lack of maintenance, computer breakdowns became common,
students did not receive their reading material on time and payment of building rent, and telephone
bills etc were unnecessarily delayed. The symptoms of deterioration at the Bhopal branch were
obvious. The branch which had an annual turnover of Rs 30.7 lakhs fell to Rs. 4 lakhs. As
enrollments decreased the head office at Delhi started feeling the pinch. It started delaying transfer of
funds to the Bhopal branch. As a result faculty salaries were unduly delayed. The faculty started
leaving for greener pastures.
Worried by the number of faculty turnover, the head office started a practice of recruiting only
those faculties willing to sign a bond of 3 years. The organization started a practice of taking a deposit
of Rupees 5000 from the joining faculty, which would be refunded after 3 years. In case the faculty
left before this duration, the deposit stood forfeited. This policy further reduced the quality of faculty
joining Swastik Computer Systems, Bhopal.


1. What according to you went wrong at the Bhopal branch?

2. What can be done to revive the Bhopal branch?

Case let 2

Mind tree which was founded in 1999 in India by a group of IT professionals who wanted to chart a
somewhat distinctive path. Today, it has a top line of $269 million and is rated as one of the most
promising mid-sized IT services companies. Creditable as that is, Mind Tree does not want to be just
that. There is an element of serendipity about what it has been doing over the last year. In 2008, it
designated one of its founders Subroto Bagchi „Gardener‟, a gimmicky signal, intended to declare
that he was moving out of the day-to-day running of the company to nurture talent which would run
the company in the future. He has now a report card ready on a year as gardener. During this one
year, he has also spent around 45 days travelling round the world talking to clients and prospective
ones which has yield remarkable insights into what firms are doing in these traumatic times. Lastly,
Mind Tree as a whole has spent the last year going through the exercise of redefining its mission
statement and vision for the next five years. Quite fortuitously these processes have come together
with a unifying thread, presenting a coherent big picture. Mind Tree wants to seed the future while
still young, and executive chairman Ashok Soota has declared that by 2020, it will be led by a nonfounder.

So a year ago the gardener Bagchi set out to “touch” 100 top people in the organization,
with a goal of doing 50 in a year so as to eventually identify the top 20 by 2015. From among them
will emerge not just the leader but a team of ten who would eventually, as group heads, deliver $200
million of turnover each. That will give a turnover of $2 billion. To put it in perspective, one one
VC-funded company, which has not closed or been bought over, has been able to get to $2 billion
and that is Google. But to get there it has to periodically redefine its mission (why we exist) and its
vision – measurable goals for the next five years. Its redefined mission is built around “successful
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customers, happy people, and innovative solution”. Its new vision targets a turnover of $1 billion by
2014. It wants to be among the globally 20 most profitable IT services companies and also among
the 20 globally most admired ones. Admired in terms of customer satisfaction (pay for the course),
people practices (creditable), knowledge management (exciting) and corporate governance (the
Enron-Satyam effect). The really interesting bit about Mind Tree in the last one year is what Bagchi
has been up to. He has been embedding himself in the 50 lives, working in a personal private
continuum, making it a rich learning process “which has helped connect so many dots.” Of the
hundred who will be engaged, may be 50 will leave, of them 25 may better themselves only
marginally, and from the remaining 25 ten will emerge who will carry the company forward.


1. What do you analyse as the main reason behind the success of Mind tree?

2. Do you think that redefining the mission statement shows the lacunae on the part of the
founder members of an organization? Why?

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists of Applied theory.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each question carries 15 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. What are the various methods of collecting statistical data? Explain in brief their merits and

2. What do mean by Research design. What are basic types of research design?


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